Custom Collar Pricing

When a custom collar is ordered, you pay the deposit - this allows me to begin working on a digital mockup. Once the artwork is agreed upon, I cut the cork and begin stitching. Once finished, additional fees are due which cover my stitching time, any snafus I run into, and materials I need to replace if I run out during production.

Below are the additional fees that may be included via PayPal invoice before your custom collar is shipped. Everything is design-dependent. I will keep your collar sealed in its shipping bag until this invoice is paid.

Semi-customs have all of these fees included.

The Details on Detailing

This is a multifactored and design-dependent catch-all term. It includes stitching time, quantity of small pieces and layers, and embroidery.

Because I don’t know in advance what an order will end up looking like when completed or the techniques it’ll require to complete, I cannot appropriately determine the cost of effort and time in designing/stitching/finishing a collar. Some collars feature things others don’t. That is the nature of a custom designed collar.