
Right now, thousands of animals are bred, raised, and slaughtered specifically for leather goods on a daily basis, leading to an extreme carbon footprint and pollution of the air, earth, and water. The core mission of D2K9 is to veganize the dog collar industry by matching the beauty and customization of leather goods through the use of cork and other plant-based leathers.

[Climate change] encompasses us; in a very real way, it governs us — our crop yields, our pandemics, our migration patterns and civil wars, crime waves and domestic assaults, hurricanes and heat waves and rain bombs and mega-droughts, the shape of our economic growth and everything that flows downstream from it, which today means nearly everything.
— David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

Cork oak (Quercus suber) trees absorb ~14 million tons of CO2 annually. Most cork originates in Portugal and Spain, where the forests are home to many rare and endangered species and trees are harvested once every 9+ years for their 200-300 year lifespans.

Only 1/3 of each tree is used, while the rest of the tree remains intact, a rarity among harvested tree species, and then left to regenerate.

 A Note on Yarns

My absolute favorite material to crochet with has and always will be Merino wool yarn. If given the option by a customer, I will default to Merino wool, the sole exception being if I feel like the desired color palette cannot be achieved with Merino wool. Merino wool tends to be the plushiest, softest on my hands, and stretchiest so no (or absolute minimum) holes or stuffing can be seen. Cotton is stiffer, much less stretchy, allowing for fantastic sculpting, but is harder on my hands and the stitches can seem much bulkier.

Now, veganism is a lifestyle, it is not just a diet, but an entire way of living. As such, in addition to not eating animal products or by-products, I do not wear or use animal skins or furs. Wool, of course, is an animal-based material, the biggest difference between leather goods and wool products is that sheep need to have their coats shorn. If we, as humans, are going to keep sheep for manmade purposes, their welfare is important. I have taken it upon myself to get only the best Merino wool yarn, sourced from Uruguay, where welfare standards are the highest in the world. Mulesing is a barbaric and unnecessary process commonplace elsewhere, but not in Uruguay. The sheep that produce the wool I use are free-range fed and are not subjected to mulesing. The yarn is also dyed in accordance with best environmental practices in Peru, with special attention to energy usage.

Cotton is a plant-based fiber. It cannot be dyed in the same way that protein-based fibers can, so is often single color. Because it’s plant-based, it is automatically more environmentally sustainable than wool, but I have done my due diligence and short of raising my own sheep, I stand by my choices. If you would prefer to have only cotton yarn used, please just make a note in the customization form! I am happy to abide by whatever environmental standards you wish.

D2K9’s Story

I stumbled upon cork fabric many years ago (2012!) and immediately fell in love with the texture and the vividness of the colors. It took me many years of failure (and many sewing machines) to finally create a durable dog collar.

D2K9 officially launched in March 2021.

D2K9 (aka Dressed to the K9s) is a small, one woman-owned business. I am an expert introvert, a self-starter, a vegan since 2009, and a person who gets stuck in determination-soup when something doesn’t work out as planned. I am inspired by movies, videogames, Taylor Swift, dreams, color palettes, and nature.

Patreon patrons get to peek into that world a little bit.

They help support and encourage my creativity and motivation for this adventure and also snag exclusive early access, sneak peeks, and discounts.